Thank you for attending San Diego Shoulder Institute’s Annual Shoulder Course: Arthroscopy, Arthroplasty and Fractures. We encourage you to take a few minutes at the completion of each session, at the end of each day of the course, or after course completion to tell us what you think of your conference experience. Your responses are extremely important to us and will help us plan future conferences to better suit your needs.
Click here to complete an evaluation
Log in ( your username is your last name, first initial as a single word. (e.g. EschJ). Your password is your email address.)
If all sessions do not automatically appear, click “sessions” at the top of the page
Review the list of sessions available. Select the session you want to evaluate, and click on the “evaluate” blue tab to the left of the session name
After entering your responses, click the “submit” button at the bottom of the page. You will be returned to the master list of sessions. Select another session to evaluate.
Note: all sessions have a unique evaluation. Please complete an evaluation for all sessions you attend. It is especially important to us to complete an overall course evaluation. This evaluation provides feedback for the entire course.
Please contact SDSI directly if you have questions.
We thank you in advance for taking the time to provide your feedback to us.
James C. Esch, M.D.,
SDSI President and Course Chair